Top Sites  Around the  Tidal Basin 

The Tidal Basin 

Wildly known as the focal point of the Cherry Blossoms but there's lots to see year round. 

Key Stops




Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial



Thomas Jefferson Memorial

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial

George Mason Memorial

Tidal Basin Paddle Boats

MLK Memorial 


This memorial remains unfinished like the work of Martin Luther King Jr. 

Enter through the Mountain of Despair to reach the Stone of Hope (the memorial), symbolizing Dr. King's journey on the path to bringing civil justice.

Thomas Jefferson Memorial 


The architecture reflects Jefferson's home Monticello and the Rotunda at the University of Virginia. 

Read some of Jefferson's powerful quotes engraved on the walls of the memorial.

FDR Memorial


See the legacy of Franklin Delano Roosevelt organized by each of his 4 presidential terms. 

Water is creatively used to illustrate the mood of the times.

George Mason Memorial


The modestly elegant design reflects the unpretentious character of this (sometimes forgotten) founding father. 

Paddle Boats


In the warm weather, the paddle boats are one of the best ways to see the sites from the water. 

Don't miss other green spaces in Washington, DC

The National Arboretum